Charcoal and Pastels
Day: Saturdays
Dates: TBA
Instructor: Roberta Kiphuth
Class Size Limit: 10
*NOTE: These classes have limited space availability, please sign up early.
Charcoal is one of the oldest art mediums. used by early man in cave drawings. Artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Ernst Barlach also used charcoal in creating art bcause it provides the ability to work fast for developing ideas.
Pastels are similar to the charcoal medium, but in color. We will start to experiment with adding color to drawing as well.
In this beginning class you will learn:
- how to use compressed charcoal, vine charcoal, charcoal pencils
- how to control results through blending, erasing and using hard edges
- how to use layers to build dimension
- composition and use of white space
- the basic in color theory
Materials List: (bold items required)
- Charcoal paper pad – 11 x 14 or larger
- Sketchbook – whatever size works for you
- Vine charcoal sticks (soft, medium and hard)
- Compressed charcoal sticks (soft, medium, hard)
- Kneaded eraser, vinyl or rubber eraser
- Blending stumps of various sized
- Paper towel or soft cotton cloth
- Set of basic color pastels (NOT oil pastels)
- Basic pencils for sketching
- 12″ ruler (optional)
- Fixative spray (optional)
- Fine tooth sandpaper (optional)
- Drawing board (optional) — Should be larger than you drawing pad paper size. Our recommendation is the Jack Richeson Ultra light Aluminum Edge Drawing board from for about $30.00.
- Folding Easel (optional) – make sure it is large enough to hold your pad or drawing board.
A pdf of the supplies needed will also be sent to you after registration with suggestions on brands and where to get them.